Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home Sweet Home

This is the hallway in which we walk... All of the ILP teachers live on the second floor of the apartment building. There are 8 rooms (one is empty and the other is our teaching supply room). 

This is mine & Tammi's door! Our's definitely the coolest door ever! Pictures of hot guys aka Shuaw gai (that's NOT spelled right). Our door is very temperamental, it usually takes us 5 minutes to unlock it. I usually have to kick it, yell at it and then it will open.

This is me in my room! I'm making token bags that the kids have already destroyed. The first thing I did when I moved in was put up pictures of family and friends! (thanks TP for the pics)

Our shower is gross. I have never stepped on the ground with my bare feet in the bathroom. It is hard adapting to shoes 24/7! At home I'd usually walk around with bare feet inside and outside but, here I would never do that. I don't think my feet have been out of shoes and socks for more than 20 minutes at a time (shower). I have learned to love/appreciate the little things I never really thought about like walking around with no shoes.
Bathroom... need i say more?

Laundry can be quite tricky! China doesn't believe in dryers so, we are forced to let all our clothes hang dry :) It's harder because it's cold and humid so when they do actually dry (usually takes 3 days) they are crusty and feel damp. I'm getting used to it but, the weather is changing and soon it will be HOT and humid. I'm afraid my clothes will never dry!

These are the washers. They don't have lids and you fill them up with water from a hose, sprinkle in some China brand detergent (that makes my armpits itch like crazy! hahaha!) and watch it slosh around. After they "wash" for 15 minutes you drain the water then fill it back up to rinse your clothes. Drain that water and stuff all your tangled clothes into the spinner. The spinner just squeezes water from the clothes. 
It's definitely a lot of hard work but, it just makes me appreciate the luxuries at home! I want you all to go to your washer and most importantly your dryer, kneel down and tell them how much you love them. Also, you should name them and include them in all of your family pictures. Love them, read them stories and treat them well because one day you may not have them anymore. 


Liz said...

I love reading your blog!! You are HILARIOUS!! You bring a smile to me face every time I read what you've been up to!

I do cherish my dryer... It has been a good friend for the last 4 years. Especially with a baby and a toddler and a husband who plays in the dirt. I would die if I didn't have my washer and dryer! I will go give them a hug and kiss and tell them that you love their cousin as well.


Liz said...

Oh yeah... Maybe if you say nice things to your door, he will love you and open when you "treat him kindly too".

Just a thought. :)

overlyactive said...

That bit about the washer made me laugh really hard. I am throughly enjoying reading your experiences in China!! Thanks for sharing!

mende said...

Hey Meg...How cool to be able to read up on what is happening with you. I love your blog. I am glad that you are loving it! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Dave said...

Hey Meg, it is so cool to see where you live! Now please post some photos of the school grounds and buildings. I need the full tour.

Love Ya!